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Wheat Belly Cookbook: 150 Recipes To Help You Lose The Wheat, Los, by William Davis
PDF Ebook Wheat Belly Cookbook: 150 Recipes To Help You Lose The Wheat, Los, by William Davis
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The bestselling blockbuster Wheat Belly helped spawn a revolution: a revolution in thinking about wheat and the misinformation of “healthy whole grains,” a new direction in understanding appetite and weight control, and a revolution in improving or reversing a long list of common health conditions, including diabetes, celiac disease, osteoporosis and arthritis.
The Wheat Belly movement has led many readers to ask for more information on how to shift away from wheat and toward foods that are less harmful and more nutritious. Fully illustrated, Wheat Belly Cookbook features:
- Over 150 wheat-free, healthy and tasty recipes, including for baked goods
- Easy-to-follow, handy daily menus
- Tips and practical advice for living a wheat-free life
- Success stories from readers around the world
- The latest research and more.
- Sales Rank: #687551 in Books
- Published on: 2012-12-18
- Released on: 2012-12-18
- Format: International Edition
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.13" h x .84" w x 7.50" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 336 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
643 of 666 people found the following review helpful.
By J. Baker
Dr. Davis has succeeded in drawing attention to the dangers of wheat and the benefits of a low-carb diet beyond what I thought possible. He builds a convincing case against this new plant that he says shouldn't even be called "wheat," and he documents most of his arguments with supportive research. I was already avoiding most grains and decided to eliminate wheat after reading Wheat Belly. I have been following a low-carb lifestyle and writing about it for over 13 years, so it wasn't a radical change for me.
I do have a major concern about both of the Wheat Belly books, however. Ten out of the 29 recipes in the original Wheat Belly call for flax, as do most of the recipes in the new cookbook. Flax meal has become a staple food for many who want to avoid wheat. It is used in gluten-free baked goods and as a flour substitute in low-carb foods. It is also used as a replacement for eggs in low-fat and vegan recipes and as a supplement to provide fiber and omega-3 fats. Many people are eating it in great quantities, thinking it is the ultimate superfood or, as one writer said to me, "The most powerful food on the planet."
A closer look shows some pretty scary stuff about flax, rancidity, for one. Flax contains very fragile oils that are easily damaged by heat, light, air, and time. It should be stored in the refrigerator and used promptly. Only fresh, ripe, freshly-ground seeds are safe to eat, so obviously, cooking with flax is not a good idea.
Flax has a lot in common with soy, once the darling of the healthfood crowd. Both soy and flax contain estrogen mimics. (An extract of soy is used as hormone replacement therapy for treating menopause symptoms.) These plants produce hormones as a way to defend themselves from predators (like us) by disrupting the endocrine system of those who eat them so they can't reproduce. Eating a lot of plant estrogens might not be such a good thing, especially for men.
Soy, a byproduct of the vegetable oil industry, has been heavily marketed as a health food since the 1990s. Flax seed comes from the kind of plant used for making linen. Neither were staple foods in any traditional society. A 1998 study from Cornell conducted by vegan advocate and author of The China Study, T. Collin Campbell, reported that the Japanese ate less than 2 teaspoons of soy protein per day. (Celibate monks, who use soy and a vegetarian diet to reduce libido, are an exception.)
In addition to soy, which is already ubiquitous in our food supply, pesticides, plastics such as Bisphenol A (BPA), and chemicals like perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA), also contain these hormone-like chemicals and the dose is cumulative. BPA and PFOA, the so-called gender benders, have been linked to breast cancer, fertility problems, and other hormone related illnesses.
While both flax and soy contain estrogen mimics, according to Web MD, flax contains 800 times as much of these hormone-like chemicals as soy!! In fact, flax contains more plant estrogens than any other plant food.
We are already experiencing an epidemic of infertility along with our other epidemics of obesity, diabetes, autism, auto-immune diseases, explosive rage disorder, and more. You may have heard that American men have one-third the sperm counts of their grandfathers and that by 2050, for the first time in modern history, scientists are predicting that our population will start to go down. Add in all the men who are on statins to reduce cholesterol (testosterone is made out of cholesterol), and it is easy to see why the same companies that sell statins also sell Viagra and Cialis.
There is conflicting evidence about phytoestrogens (phyto means plant). Some think they may be helpful, some think they may be harmful, and most of the articles about them end by saying, "more research is necessary." But this much is clear: This is potent medicine and the dosage is very important!
How much is a dose? Even the sites that recommend flax as a supplement tell you to consult your doctor to determine how much to take. The USDA says that 3 tablespoons of flax a day is a safe level. Some of the recipes in the Wheat Belly Cookbook contain more than that in a single serving.
Below is a sample of warnings about flax from various organizations:
~from MayoClinic.com: [...]
"Taking flaxseed or flaxseed oil by mouth may cause a person with bipolar disorder to experience mania or hypomania....
Raw flaxseed or flaxseed plant may increase blood levels of cyanide, a toxic chemical....
Flaxseed may cause low blood pressure. Caution is advised in patients with blood pressure disorders and those taking drugs, herbs, or supplements that affect blood pressure....
Based on the available evidence, flaxseed, which contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), should be avoided in patients with prostate cancer or those at risk for prostate cancer....
Use flaxseed and flaxseed oil cautiously in patients with elevated triglycerides, as these agents may raise or lower triglyceride levels."
~From DietaryFoodFiber.com: [...]
"One study reports that the menstrual period may be altered in women who take flaxseed powder by mouth daily. Due to the possible estrogen-like effects of flaxseed (not flaxseed oil), it should be used cautiously in women with hormone sensitive conditions such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, or cancer of the breast, uterus, or ovary. Some natural medicine textbooks advise caution in patients with hypothyroidism, although little scientific information is available in this area....
Raw flaxseed or flaxseed plant may increase blood levels of cyanide, a toxic chemical (this effect has not been reported when flaxseed supplements are taken at recommended doses.)" (Are they talking about a few spoonfuls of seeds or a little capsule of oil? We don't know. JBB)
~From Livestrong.com: [...]
"A study on the Effect of Flax Seed Ingestion on the Menstrual Cycle, published in a 1993 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, found that a woman's menstrual period might be altered if she consumes flaxseed products daily....
Because flaxseed has estrogen-like effects, it may result in a worsening of conditions such as uterine, ovarian and breast cancers; uterine fibroids; polycystic ovary syndrome; and endometriosis, according to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database of the National Institutes of Health. Women who have hormone-sensitive conditions should probably avoid using large amounts of flaxseed. It can also alter the effects of oral contraception."
Please do your own research and decide for yourself whether you want flax in your diet and if so, how much is too much.
I had hoped to find a replacement that worked as well as flax in these recipes before I posted this review so I could suggest an easy fix. Chia seeds are the best candidate I have found so far, but the recipes still need some tweaking. I made a good loaf of Basic Bread by substituting one-half the amount of chia for the flax, but my chia version of the Flaxseed Wraps needed a complete overhaul. (Chia seeds contain the same fragile oils found in flax, but chia also contains large amounts of natural antioxidants to keep it fresh, even after it is ground. Chia has no phytoestrgens or toxins and unlike flaxseed, chia can be kept for long periods without becoming rancid.)
The Wheat Belly Cookbook also does an excellent job of explaining why we need to ditch wheat and other high-carb foods and makes the case that modern wheat was not adequately tested for human consumption. But flax hasn't stood the test of time either. Is flax as risky as wheat? Perhaps not, but if you eat too much of it, you may just be replacing one untested food with another. Women and girls may be at risk for hormone imbalances and the guys may be trading a wheat belly for flax boobs and Viagra. Still not a pretty picture.
473 of 496 people found the following review helpful.
More than recipes, excellent recap of reasons to avoid wheat:.Here's the rundown on the recipes and more.
By Kcorn
You don't need to have read the author's other books, including Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health or Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight! to get up to speed on the whole "lose the wheat" system. All the general info is here.
It can be summed up, as the author does, very simply: "Wheat is not to be trusted" and in even more blunt terms, he calls it "the Enron of the food world." Dr. William Davis adds that whole grains (which are considered healthy by many ) can contribute to high blood pressure and cholesterol, irritable bowel syndrome - even depression. Of course, the author goes far beyond this bare bones summary in the book.
The Wheat Berry Cookbook is divided into two parts, along with a detailed introduction. Part I focuses on The Wheat Belly Way of eating. Part 2 centers on recipes as well as some very intriguing success stories, complete with photos of the people who share their experiences. I was fascinated by these personal accounts.
Now for the recipes:
Examples of breakfast choices include french toast, pancakes, frittatas, homemade turkey sausage, breakfast egg biscuits, etc. Main dish lunch and dinner selections favor plenty of traditional fare: Braised Pot Roast with Vegetables (using coconut flour as a thickener for the gravy), Pecan-breaded pork chops, Herbed Chicken, etc.
Many are family-friendly but if you like to branch out from the usual fare you can try other choices such as the Feta Spinach Swordfish. The No-Macaroni and Cheese is a winner, with cauliflower serving as a stand-in for the pasta. No, it doesn't taste like "regular" Macaroni and Cheese but I like it better.
If you're cautious about your fat intake, I should mention that even some of the lower calorie recipes can have high fat amounts in them. One example is a creamed spinach which has only 235 calories but a whopping 18 grams of fat. Spaghetti squash is a favorite of mine and the recipe for Spaghetti Squash with Brown Butter and Sage has 172 calories - of which 12 grams (more than half the total calories) are fat. Since we had squash on hand, I tried this recipe - for breakfast yet- and was easily able to lower the amount of butter from a whopping 4 tablespoons to far less. The taste was still excellent and the sage was a wonderful addition.
Bonus material includes the individual success stories noted above as well as a list of not-so-obvious foods which may contain wheat. There is also an appendix of resources for products, websites, and more wheat-free recipes. This information should simplify things for those new to the Wheat Belly Diet. References provide further reading material if you are interested in knowing more about the studies and statistics behind the info in this book.
Bottom line? You are either going to buy into the information presented here or you aren't. Here's where I"m coming from: I've cut my use of wheat significantly and have definitely felt better with the lab results (lower cholesterol) and weight loss to support my conclusions. However, I am not yet wheat free. But close. I'm still a work in progress - nearly 40 pounds lighter and without the aches and pains I had from that extra weight. Are all my improvements due to less wheat? I honestly don't know. But it is possible.
A caveat for those of you allergic to nut products: a fair amount of the recipes suggest ground almond flour, including a basic bread recipe which is used for other recipes such as French Toast. However, I've found that coconut and other flours can be substituted although you may have to play around with the proportions. If you are allergic to coconuts as well as almonds, etc...then you'll have to tweak things significantly for the bread recipes - at least, a fair amount of the time.
If you're new to wheat-free eating, the author has lists of resources and even brand names for wheat substitutes: garbonzo and coconut flours, and more. He also lists foods which may be assumed to be wheat free but are not.
445 of 468 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Wheat-Free Recipes
By April
The Wheat Belly Cookbook is a great complement to Dr. William Davis' book "Wheat Belly", which argued that today's wheat is really a "Frankengrain" because it has been generically engineered for increased crop yield and is no longer a natural product. Dr Davis believes that modern wheat is at the root of obesity as well as many other modern ailments, including heart disease, acid reflux, edema and even arthritis.
The cookbook includes a very good (and concise) overview of Dr. Davis's main points, so you could probably get away with just buying this cookbook if you don't already have the first book. The sections on avoiding "wheat withdrawal" and setting up a wheat-free kitchen are also very good.
The recipes themselves are clearly explained and easy to follow, although some are fairly complex. There are a total of 150, divided into categories including: Breakfasts, Sandwiches and Salads, Appetizers, Soups and Stews, Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Sauces and Salad Dressing, and Bakery. I was quite amazed that many favorite foods that normally rely very heavily on wheat were included. I have actually tried making the pizza and found it be great!
One problem is that many of the recipes do require a fair amount of time. If you want a wheat-free (and low-carb) alternative that can be prepared very quickly (or on the run), I would also recommend The Protein Express Diet: Rapid Weight Loss with a Simplified Low Carb, High Protein Diet, which can be used in conjunction with the Wheat Belly program. A strong focus on high protein and low carbs is probably also a good idea if you have a significant amount of weight to lose.
The book also includes lots of very nice color photos. Beware that some of the "recipes" are really more general techniques, for example, making a sandwich using lettuce rather than bread. However, these are still good ideas that will help you create healthy meals.
Overall the Wheat Belly cookbook is excellent. By cutting out wheat and watching calorie intake, Dr Davis claims it should be possible to lose about 15 pounds in 30 days.
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